
How Do I Change Font Size In Outlook

Here's how to change and customize the font for electronic mail titles, row headings, and the body of messages in the Reading Pane of Outlook 2016.

Almost people know that they can modify the color themes for Office 2016 for PC and on the Mac version. Changing the colors is a pop way to customize the look and feel of Outlook and other programs in the suite. But did you know you can also customize the fonts in the Reading Pane likewise?

Nosotros already showed you how to customize fonts in Outlook 2010, but things have changed quite a bit since then. So hither's how to find this piddling-known setting to customize the font for e-mail titles, row headings, and the body of letters.

Customize Outlook Reading Pane Fonts

Start, from the Ribbon, select the View tab and so Current View > View Settings.

 outlook view settings

When the "Advanced View Settings" window comes upwards, there are 2 buttons to note that allow changing fonts — Other Settings and Conditional Formatting.

Outlook Advanced

Other Settings lets yous arrange fonts for column headings, Message Previews, and more. For instance, I prefer my Reading Pane ready to the lesser, which y'all can ready hither or by going to View > Layout > Reading Pane and cull where you want it. Like with all versions of Windows, Outlook has a lot of redundancy when it comes to settings options.


Go alee and play effectually with dissimilar settings until y'all get the look you want. In the case beneath, I changed the Colum, Row, and Bulletin Preview fonts to everyone'south favorite — Comic Sans (and, yes, that would be a joke).

Comic Sans MS

Use Conditional Formatting

Conditional Formatting lets y'all customize things based on the e-mail rules y'all have fix. Past default, there are seven rules enabled that you tin can customize or add your own. Y'all create a Rule past selecting Add > Condition > More Choices and and then add your rule in that location. In the instance below, I created a Rule for just items that are read.

Then I set up the font to ShowCard Gothic. If you have a busy inbox, having the power to customize fonts based on rules is a expert way to brand your most important mail grab your attention.


Afterward making just a few tweaks, this is what I ended up with on my Reading Pane. Of course, you can set things upward for what works all-time for you and your workflow.

Custom Reading Pane

Another setting worth pointing out is the power to make the font in the message body larger. Simply utilize the slider located at the lower-correct corner to increase or decrease the font size. Or, select the zoom push button and cull a specific size. Another manner to zoom is to concur the Ctrl central while in the trunk of the message and whorl the mouse bike up or downward.

Do you similar to customize the Reading Pane fonts in Outlook? Leave us a comment below and tell us what works best for y'all.

How Do I Change Font Size In Outlook,


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