
How To Size Cross Country Ski Poles

Cantankerous Country Ski Pole Sizing Guide

Writer: Bert Hinkley, nordic good at Webcyclery

If you're wondering how to choose cross land ski pole length, you've come to the correct place. In this in-depth guide we offer a helpful size chart and break down all the nigh important information so you can buy nordic poles that will help y'all ski your all-time.

You'll get the most out of this guide if yous read the entire article. We'll starting time off with a cantankerous state ski pole size chart that tin help you go far the correct neighborhood, just the really helpful data follows direct after that. Later on you lot've read the guide, check out all our cantankerous land ski poles for sale to find the perfect gear up.

Let's get started.

Cross land ski pole size chart

Use these cantankerous county ski pole size charts equally a jumping off point. We have 1 for adults and one for kids. They'll help you get going in the correct direction, so read on to acquire why y'all should choose one length over another.

Adult cross land ski pole size chart

Body length without boots
(Ft/ inches)
Pole length (cm)
Pole length (cm)
5' 0.00" 122,50 132,50
v' one.02" 125,00 135,00
5' 2.00" 127,fifty 137,50
v' 2.99" 130,00 140,00
5' iii.97" 132,50 142,l
five' 4.96" 135,00 145,00
5' five.94" 137,50 147,50
5' half-dozen.92" 140,00 150,00
5' 7.91" 142,50 152,50
5' 8.89" 145,00 155,00
5' 9.88" 147,50 157,50
5' 10.86" 150,00 160,00
5' xi.85" 152,50 162,50
6' 0.83" 155,00 165,00
six' 1.81" 157,50 167,fifty
6' 2.eighty" 160,00 170,00
6' 3.78" 162,50 172,50
six' 4.77" 165,00 175,00
6' v.75" 167,50 177,50
6' 6.74" 170,00 180,00

Kids cross country ski pole size chart

Torso length without boots Pole length
xc cm 70 cm
95 cm 70-75 cm
100 cm 75 cm
105 cm 75-lxxx cm
110 cm 80 cm
115 cm 85 cm
120 cm ninety cm
125 cm 95 cm
130 cm 100 cm
135 cm 105 cm
140 cm 110 cm
145 cm 115 cm

How to choose cantankerous country ski pole length

While a size chart can sometimes work for recreational skiers who aren't as concerned with performance, if you want poles that are right for you, there'southward a little more that goes into the determination. Go on in heed that information technology is pretty easy to shorten a pole. It is not so like shooting fish in a barrel to stretch one that was bought or cut too short.

Allow us walk yous through the process.

Offset, you need to ask yourself what kind of cross land skiing you'll be doing almost ofttimes with the poles you're looking to buy:

  • Is the pole for skating?
  • Is the pole for classic rail skiing?
  • Is the pole for light touring, cruising that is mostly in groomed track?
  • Is the pole for back-country skiing with no groomed rails?

Second, you'll want to keep in listen the following attributes about yourself as a skier:

  • Are you a young, physically potent racer?
  • Are you a person who only skis one time or twice a week for social interaction with friends?
  • Do you lot accept any chronic shoulder or elbow or wrist problems?
  • How old are you?
  • What is your general fettle level?
  • What is your technical skill level?

With those factors in listen, let's get into the nitty gritty of proper pole length for both classic and skate skiing.

How long should archetype cross country ski poles exist?

Archetype poles used for skiing in a groomed runway should exist cut so that, when not wearing boots, the strap comes out of the grip at the height of the middle of your clavicle (collar bone).

Then, to decide this yourself you can take a piece of masking tape and place a strip that is just a bit taller than y'all and reaches down to beneath your chest on a door jamb in the house. And then, while standing in stocking feet, mark on the tape the tiptop of the middle of the clavicle. That is the height of the strap of your classic poles.

The clavicle is a long, narrow bone that runs from the sternum (chest os) to the acromion process (the outside tip of the shoulder). Discover the middle of the clavicle and this is where the strap should be. Information technology will besides exist very close to 83% of your elevation standing in stocking feet.

Important: if you are competing, the FIS regulates the length of archetype poles. Their rule is that the strap must be no higher than 83% of the torso height measured while continuing in classic ski boots.

FIS rules state that cross country ski poles should be roughly 83% of your height

When to choose longer cross state ski poles:

If you are a strong racer, and you are going to be doing much of your skiing using the double pole technique (by and large pushing with both poles at the same time) you lot may want to measure out this pinnacle wearing classic ski boots. Determine your total summit while wearing the boots and multiply that past .83 to get the maximum commanded elevation of the strap.

When to choose shorter cross country ski poles:

On the other paw, if you are mostly skiing very hilly terrain and will be either diagonal striding uphill or benumbed downhill, you might want to go with poles that are 1cm - 2cm shorter. Shorter poles allow for college turnover rate and a little less stress on the shoulder joint.

How to selection the right cross country ski poles for kids:

  • Classic: To the middle of your shoulder (max)
  • Skating: To your chin (max)
  • Pocket-size kids: Upwards to your armpit.
  • Remember: Also long poles tin can cause injuries past accident.

How long should skate ski poles be?

Nosotros recommend the height of the strap to our customers to be somewhere between the lower lip and the tip of your chin, when measured in stocking feet. This works out to be about 88.v% of your torso height. It will also exist 9.5cm to 10cm longer than archetype poles.

Again, people with very strong shoulders and those who are training and racing may want to ski with a pole 1cm - 2cm longer. FIS states that skate poles may not exceed the height of the skier measured wearing ski boots.

Poles that are longer generally put more than stress on the shoulder joint. Long poles, while they do provide a longer push phase in each repetition, also tend to slow the turnover charge per unit.

For kids doing skate skiing, decrease 5-10cm from their meridian to observe their skate pole size. For kids doing classic, add 10cm to the skier top.

How long should cantankerous land ski poles be for untracked snowfall?

For skiing out of the groomed track the ski pole length volition be considerably shorter than for clean-cut track skiing. Many people who ski in untracked snowfall utilize adjustable poles. These take larger baskets than poles for groomed trails and the length can vary depending on the conditions. Probably the maximum length would be for the strap to exit the grip at the acme of the arm pit.

The trouble with manufacturer measurements

It is unfortunate that nearly pole companies mensurate poles from the point of the handbasket to the tiptop of the grip and label the pole as, say, 160cm. That is easy to measure. But it is not a really relevant measurement. My poles measure 160cm to the height of the pole, but the strap comes out at 155.5cm. The of import measurement is how high the wrist strap exits the pole grip. That determines how high the mitt is when the skier starts to button on the poles. The grips of many poles differ from other poles. This is why we don't recommend measuring to the top of the pole.

it's better to measure the height of cross country ski poles from the ground to the top of the strap instead of to the top of the basket

How To Size Cross Country Ski Poles,


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